CALL US  (972) 835-4100
Irving, TX

Why Sell Your Mineral Interests

Shale Mineral Group buys producing and non-producing, will purchase all or part of your interest, will purchase both single and multiple well interests, and offers finance and trade (1031) options throughout the United States with special focus in Texas. Cash payments can be received within as little as 2 days.

· Quick cash for a lump sum pay-out
Life situations can arise, which require the need for a large amount of cash, like a family emergency, medical procedure, wedding, real estate purchase, business capital, college tuition, or tax debt. 

· Get out of debt
Based on a down-turning economy, cash flow can be a struggle for most. Many Americans are looking for ways to get out of debt; removing credit card debt and on-going significant interest rates, keep their house from going into foreclosure or stop from having to file bankruptcy.

· Address estate settlement issues & inheritances
Dividing up property and assets can have its challenges, but the ease of cash pay-outs remove the burdensome tasks and expenses associated with royalty transfers.

· Breakaway from a depleting asset  
Oil and gas interests are deleting assets that decline in value over time, so a good many royalty owners decide to sell at a time when they can cash out for maximum value.

· Elimination of on-going asset management 
To remove the financial record keeping and tax documentation associated with this type of asset and/or to eliminate the stream of small payment checks.   

If you would like more information, click here to 
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